Disponibilizamos uma oferta de serviços nas áreas de transporte marítimo, aéreo e terrestre. Damos o seguimento necessário a todos os processos necessários para que a mercadoria chegue ao destino de forma segura e sem preocupações para os nossos clientes.

Estão incluídos na nossa prestação de serviço a gestão dos processos aduaneiros dos nossos clientes, pois sabemos que é uma tarefa essencialmente burocrática e que exige algum tempo. Na área aduaneira, além das formalidades das importações e exportações e dos trânsitos comunitários, oferecemos o serviço de legalização de viaturas.

Temos agentes nos principais eixos estratégicos internacionais, elementos essenciais para o sucesso do nosso trabalho, e que nos ajudam a prestar um serviço de qualidade noutras partes do mundo e dar resposta às exigências do mercado.



In this specific area we offer solutions of collection, storage, packaging, consolidation and deconsolidation of containers and distribution. We have the capacity to carry out this type of operations in the main national and international ports, since we have partnerships in order to shorten distances and consequently the costs, thus offering a complete and efficient service to our customers.



We have our own professional customs certificate, with highly experienced and accredited technicians, offering a quality service and speed both in the execution of customs formalities and in the essential task of proper tariff

classification, which translates into efficiency process speed so necessary to avoid costs of storage and shutdowns. In this sector, we also carry out import and export dispatches, T1, T2L, T2LF, Eur 1, ATR, certificates of origin as well as all certifications necessary and appropriate to each market and each merchandise.




Since we carry all types of cargo, a special treatment is required for each type of merchandise in order to be handled in a manner appropriate to its characteristics, such as fragile and/ or temperature sensitive products or requiring special packaging/ accommodation.

We have a floating insurance policy that allows our customers to enjoy more favorable conditions in terms of premium amounts.

Sea World has a team that helps in choosing the most appropriate product for each case, being able to help and deal with this whole process.



We offer services as they are developed and adapted to the needs of each client in regard to finding the most appropriate solution, either by sea, air or land, or until the combination of more than one way or even of the three and studying the forms and Equipment suitable for the goods to be transported.

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